Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Flashlight Theory - Christmas cont.

I...I...I'm ALIIIIVE! Seriously, people, it's been way too long since I posted. Seems reality has a way of interfering with imagination. I have some things under control though, and find I miss putting thoughts on paper - or LCD. Whatever.
Let me tell you a true and truly strange story before we proceed to the last part of my Christmas spirit narrative. The building in which I've worked for the past three years is part of a hospital campus and contains mainly medical offices. Therefore, all the doors have those push-activated entry plates. That includes the restrooms, of course. Several times during the last three or four months, the restroom doors have opened for me - without pushing the plates. No, they are NOT motion activated. I tested that after the MEN's door opened as I passed by, and no, no one came out. I went so far as to go in (I wear scrubs; I figured if there were any men in there I would say I got a page that there was an emergency), and there was NO ONE THERE. Same with the Ladies' room. The door has opened as I was about to reach for the handle going out or in, and even as I passed close to get a drink at the water fountain. At no time was anyone behind me, beside me or in front of me. In fact, it's never happened when there was another person in the corridor. I asked my co-workers if they'd ever experienced the same thing and they all looked at me like I was crazy (well, I am, but not in that way). Yesterday I was particularly upset about many issues as I left the office for lunch. My mind was a mess, my heart hurt, my stomach slewed and guess what? Yup. The Ladies' door opened though I had no intention of going in. I. Just. Walked. By. And then stopped midstride when I realized this phenomenon only happened whenever I was stressed or extremely focused on something.
Now. I don't believe in ghosts, UFO's, Big Foot (though my ex-husband could potentially give credence to its existence), or anything not explainable outside the ability of our own mind. Consider: enzymes in the brain cause flashes of information to pass from neuron to neuron. These flashes are basically a collection of atoms released from cells. Each time an atom fires, it loses energy. Multiply that energy by a few trillion, and you have a brain that generates 10-12 volts of electricity daily for a lifetime. While my science is incredibly simplified, it is verifiable. Ever hear of an EEG? An electroencephalogram can only measure brainwaves, but experiments have proven that, were it in a form we could harness and store, the electricity produced by a human brain would power a flashlight 24/7. Unfortunately, we haven't yet figured out just exactly how we can power our household appliances by thinking about it. But isn't it profound that all that energy is just floating around, unnoticed, undirected and mostly ignored? Since one of Newton's laws states that energy must be conserved, where does the energy go? Can we make it go somewhere? Can we tap into the reservoir of energy that surrounds every living being? Is energy the "soul"? Can we combine our energy? Mind-boggling, isn't it?
I'm going to make a lot of trips to the bathroom during the next weeks...


  1. Mu, this was such a trip! Remember all our conversations by the fireplace where we came up with crazy stuff like the "thought bubble" and mapped out our own theories of evolution?

    I loved this - and I go back and read it often because it helps me wrap my mind around how I could have felt the souls growing inside me before I took the pregnancy test... and how I can be so absolutely sure that their souls were present from the first cell division - regardless of what activists might say. So neat. So stimulating. So... electrifying ;-)

  2. Thanks, kiddo. The Flashlight theory is actually an extension of the thought bubble. Read my next post for an even bigger mind-warp.
    Love you.


