The Moon is nearly full, Her cool radiance
illuminates my world.
She whispers to the Beast that rules me
since my Awakening.
I hear blood music humming in your veins
and touch your soul, unfettered in sleep.
I ebb and flow with the ocean tide,
hither and yon on dreary, endless waves.
I lift my empty arms in silent supplication:
Selene! Hear me!
I yearn to lose this mortal sheath, restraining
the Creature within.
Moongloss, bathe my burning eyes; fresh wind, settle
on my skin, coalesce in silvered scales.
Near, then back and nearer yet, drawn precisely
to the one that is for me.
The night is warm. You have no wrap
to shield you.
The gentle sussuration of your breath briefly ceases
as I stop to minister honor, respect.
He blossoms happiness and fills with your essence,
my brother serpent.
Undulating, gliding upward, I pause to savor life
against my belly.
Still you dream.
My desire is great. I coil, I rear -
I strike swiftly.
Your eyes unlock and search for me in
the final darkness.
I revel in your strength while I follow
your spirit into the senselsss, soothing void.
Selene surrenders to the Sun even as one
has surrendered unto me, the Goddess Snake.
My dark hair spreads over the hallowed one
which served me.
I rise and wash the clotting blood from
my swollen breasts.
I am sated.
Thus speaks Lamia. And wonders at the emptiness.

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